An Illustrated History of Old Sutton in St Helens, Lancashire
Part 29 (of 95 parts) - Pubs & Beerhouses in Sutton & Bold Part 2 (M - Z)
Researched & Written by Stephen Wainwright ©MMXX Contact Me
Researched & Written by Stephen Wainwright ©MMXX
Old Sutton in St Helens

Billy and Gladys Lawrence pictured outside the Mill House c. 1921 - Contributed by granddaughter Sue Swift

Billy and Gladys Lawrence pictured outside the Mill House c. 1921

Billy and Gladys Lawrence pictured outside the Mill House c.1921
In 1983 £70,000 was spent by Tetley Walker in refurbishing the Mill House. After a period of closure it reopened on December 6th with new landlord Alec Humphrey. The alterations included the relocation of the bar and the creation of a new kitchen area. An article in the St.Helens Reporter from December 2nd 1983 said: ‘The concept of the new interior layout is clearly established as a single-roomed pub with a variety of alcoves, each with its own characteristics. Split level lounges, feature fireplaces and Chesterfield settees all help to produce a more exclusive atmosphere. The exterior of the Mill House has also had a facelift and the car park is to be extended and resurfaced. A traditional beer garden is being created to the rear of the premises which will take in swings and slides. This will help to develop the Mill House into a good family pub.’ - It was again extensively refurbished during the Summer of 2015 and after a period of closure, reopened at the end of August. In a prospectus published prior to the refurbishment, Star Pubs & Bars wrote: 'Currently, the Millhouse is a substantial two bar operation. It is divided into a large lounge, which can accommodate up to 60 covers and a separate games room. There is also a large patio with wooden benches to the rear of the property and a car park at the front with room for 40 cars. The venue currently enjoys a busy evening and weekend trade with customer numbers driven by live music and other entertainment.' Their refurbishment included new exterior feature lighting and signage based on a windmill. Inside new floor to ceiling folding glass doors were installed, leading out into the garden. A bar servery has been revived and the back bar reconfigured and a new meeting room / private dining room created to cater for business meetings and clubs. - (Also see Memories of Sutton 9)

The Mill House Inn after a major refurbishment (possibly early 1950s) - Contributed by Sue Swift

The Mill House Inn after a major refurbishment (possibly early 1950s)

The Mill House Inn after a major refurbishment (possibly early 1950s)

Illustrations of The Navigation Tavern and Canal Street in the days when the canal was a busy trade route

Illustrations of The Navigation Tavern and Canal Street in Sutton township

Navigation Tavern and Canal Street

Pear Tree Inn - Collins Green - built by John 'Bally' Whittaker -

Albert Davenport ran the brewery until his death in February 1907 - Henry Finlay bought the brewery later that year for £500, plus an agreed price for stock and in 1911 made it into a limited company. Finlay owned £500 of shares and a Mr. Halesworth, a maltster, held a further £500 shares, plus a £1000 debenture. In July 1912 Henry Finlay was made bankrupt. In a hearing at the Liverpool Bankruptcy Court, the brewer said his predicament was caused by patenting a non-intoxicating beer. He had wrongly thought that it did not require a licence due to its low alcohol content. However the Excise authorities had prosecuted one of his customers and Finlay had financed an unsuccessful appeal to the Court of King's Bench. This had cost him almost £300, after his solicitor had told him it would only cost £30. - On November 10th 1914 Phoenix Brewery was auctioned as a going concern by J. B. & B. Leach. - During the 1930s the brewery was owned by Arthur Vaughan who also also had premises at 41 Duke Street, St.Helens and owned Birkdale Brewery of Southport. On May 27th 1937 after the death of Vaughan, the Phoenix and Birkdale breweries were sold to Catterall and Swarbrick's Brewery Ltd. of Blackpool, who then appear to have closed the Sutton business. On November 3rd 1972 this article on Phoenix Brewery was published in the St.Helens Reporter:

It was one of the true family outfits, when Tommy began at Phoenix. It was owned by a man named Davenport – there’s a familiar beery name for you! – who emigrated to South Africa to brew “joy water” out there. A man called Cowley (an old Sutton brewer) was next owner. Then it passed from Harry Findley to A. C. Vaughan, the last boss of the Sutton beers. Says Tommy: “There was a showground behind the brewery where fairs and circuses were held. Next door, in Phoenix House, was a doctor’s surgery.” Which was very handy, I suppose, if you got a drop too much of that pre-war full-strength liquid and fell off the cocks and hens!.

Left top: Advert in St.Helens Newspaper 2/71881; Middle: Ad in St.Helens Reporter 29/2/1924; Right: Phoenix Brewery bottle

St.Helens Newspaper 2/71881, St.Helens Reporter 29/2/1924 & Phoenix bottle

St.Helens Newspaper 1881; St.Helens Reporter 1924 & Phoenix Brewery bottle
Pig and Whistle - Ell Bess Lane (later 148 Sherdley Road) - In August 1879 its licence was transferred from James Marsh to Peter Marsh. - On Sunday September 25th at 10:15am, Sergeant Brooks was watching the rear of the Pig and Whistle when he saw a little girl come out. He entered and found a man named Thomas Lyon of Sutton Street in the kitchen with a pint mug of beer at his side. Landlord Michael Duffy claimed at first that Lyon was his brother, but then admitted his guilt, pleading to the officer "For God's sake don't report me; it will ruin me". Duffy was fined £1 and costs for selling beer during prohibited hours and Lyon was fined 7s. 6d. - In July 1892 the licence was transferred from John Molyneux to Albert Edward Johnson - In 1911 it was David Wilson as licensee although the beerhouse seems to have been run by his son Harold - Peter Arnold was the publican in 1939 - John Henderson was the licensee in the late ‘60s / early ‘70s.
Plough Inn - Hoghton Road - Closed September 1912 -

Both sides of a postcard with actress Zena Dare on the cover posted in 1906 to a Miss Chenney at the Plough Inn

1906 postcard featuring actress Zena Dare sent to Miss Chenney at the Plough

A postcard which was posted in 1906 to a Miss Chenney at the Plough Inn
Meetings of the Greenall Whitley Darts League of St.Helens were held at the Prince of Wales. - Charles Hustwick was listed as licensee in the 1939 Register - Gerald Barnes was licensee during the 1940s and ‘50s and he also obtained licenses to serve alcohol at functions in St.Helens Town Hall. - On October 3rd 1945 Barnes gave evidence at the inquest on a newly-born child, who he had discovered in a locked wardrobe of a room in the hotel. Ellen Carney of Lowe Street, who had been barmaid-general at the Prince of Wales for 5 months (and lived in for 3 months), had occupied the bedroom. Barnes said he found the child in a parcel in the wardrobe with its legs visible. Police surgeon Dr. Archibald Ferrie told the coroner that he thought it was a still birth, although he couldn’t be sure. - In July 1949 the Prince of Wales’s first annual trip by male OAP customers to Frodsham and Chester took place. They were each given £1 spending money with the cost of the trip coming from subscriptions and collections. Lunch was had in Frodsham with tea enjoyed in Chester and upon their return to Sutton, the group were entertained by a concert party in the Prince of Wales’s large singing room. The pub’s committee who organised the annual event during the ‘50s were J. Fallon (secretary), Mrs. Barnes (wife of licensee, treasurer) and chairman Ralph Fairclough / E. Burrows. From 1952 women were allowed to go on the trip, which only visited Chester. - The building is now used as Thrifty’s Convenience Store (pictured below) and with a cash machine on its exterior, is regularly visited.

Fifty men outside the Prince of Wales in July 1950 about to embark on their annual trip to Frodsham and Chester

Men outside the Prince of Wales in 1950 about to embark on their annual trip

The Prince of Wales annual trip to Frodsham and Chester in 1950

Queen's Arms / Head Inn - 15 or 17 Worsley Brow - In January 1871 William Whittaker was stated as the landlord - Listed in Worrall's Directory of 1871 - In June 1878 Whittaker was granted a music licence. On January 24th 1885, Whittaker took part in a pigeon-flying match from St.George's Hall, Liverpool against another St.Helens publican, William Houghton. Whittaker's pigeon returned to the Queens Arms seconds after Houghton's bird arrived at his pub, losing Whittaker a £25 bet. - Mr. Horrocks was licensee in 1911 - Landlord Thomas Dean was fined £12 in February 1917 for selling whisky in an unlabelled bottle during prohibited hours to undercover PC's Maddocks and Perkins. Dean also allowed the constables to buy drinks for each another (known as treating), which had been made illegal under the Defence of the Realm Act. He told the court that he had been in the business for nearly 40 years. - On May 24th 1918 Thomas Dean appeared in St Helens Police Court charged with selling 4d beer at 5d. The 71-year-old had told Inspector Anders that he thought he was able to sell some beer at the higher price, having been confused by the ever-changing regulations. Dean was fined £5. - Closed 10th March 1931.
Railway Inn / Hotel - 10 / 12 Worsley Brow - The licensee in 1861 was 44-year-old James Thompson - Listed in Worrall's Directory of 1871 - In April 1876 the licence was transferred from G. Aspey to Thomas Mills (or Milne) and in July 1881 from Mills to William Burrows, who was licensee for 15 years. - The Railway was owned by Thomas Wilcock, who also owned Phoenix Brewery. - Colliery owners and manufacturers paid for an annual dinner that was held at the Railway Inn for brakesmen, shunters and signalmen who worked in the various sidings that connected their works with the main line. The men of the London and North-Western Railway Company’s traffic department also held their annual dinner at the Railway. - The inn was put up for sale by auction in April 1896 and was said to cover 250 square yards including outbuildings. - The Liverpool Mercury of October 24th 1896, reported that during the previous day, William Burrows, who had been unwell, had 'suddenly expired' after going for a walk. - In February 1897 license transferred from William Burrows to Ann Burrows - On January 5th 1900 Ann Burrows was convicted for permitting drunkenness on her licensed premises and fined 40s. - Thomas Taylor took over the licence in 1902 and he was prosecuted in September 1906 for serving a drunken person in Enoch Austin of 2 Watery Lane but the charge was dismissed. In June 1918 Taylor joined the forces and his wife Ellen was granted a temporary licence. - Closed 18th January 1935 -
Red Lion Inn - Originally listed in censuses as being in Ditch Hillock then in later censuses as 194 Robins Lane. - The Red Lion has been nicknamed 'The Glass Barrel' as such a barrel hung over the doorway of the original inn. - In December 1871 the licence was transferred from George Sefton to John Hamlet Norris (1828 - 91). After the death of Norris's wife Jane in 1876, the licence was transferred to James Stevenson and then to Thomas Lunt in July 1877, who was made bankrupt in 1879. - In 1881 the publican was Elizabeth Rigby. - By 1888 the licensee was James Baldwin and during the Sutton Glassworks strike in late 1888 / early 1889, Baldwin distributed soup and other food once a week to stricken families. - On December 23rd 1889 James Baldwin appeared in court charged with selling adulterated whisky. Inspector Steele and a constable had purchased the spirits from the Red Lion, which the landlord had bought from Wilcock’s wholesalers. As the whisky was only just over the permitted water level, the case was dismissed upon payment of costs. - During the night of December 10th 1891, the Red Lion was severely damaged by a storm. A chimney stack crashed through the roof into a room occupied by James Baldwin and his family who had a narrow escape. - In 1892 an application was made to transfer the Red Lion's licence from Baldwin to James Pilkington. However, doubts were raised as to the moral fibre of Pilkington with the Liverpool Mercury (14/6/1892) reporting allegations that he was a ladies man:

The Red Lion on the corner of Robins Lane pictured in June 2006 during the World Cup

The Red Lion pictured in June 2006 during the World Cup

Red Lion during the 2006 World Cup
Roe Buck - Bold - listed in an 1800 directory of Victuallers and Ale House keepers - Samuel Oldwright kept the house in 1800 -
Rolling Mill Tavern - 31 Watery Lane - A beerhouse in 1884 when beerseller Richard Leadbetter's application for a spirit licence was refused. He was a coal miner and still licensee in 1901 - Kept by Michael and Louisa McDermott from 1910 until 1932 and nicknamed 'Snig's Foot' - See Memories of Sutton 5 article 'The Rolling Mill Tavern and the Junction Inn' by Alan McDermott - In 1932 Michael McDermott moved to the Junction Inn and his brother Patrick McDermott was said to have took over the Tavern’s premises, running it as a coal delivery business. However the 1939 Register still shows the Rolling Mill Tavern at 31 Watery Lane, run by Mary and Michael Caulfield, the latter also being a coal miner (hewer).

Greenall Whitley's tenancy agreement of October 1910 with Michael McDermott - contributed by Alan McDermott

Greenall Whitley's tenancy agreement from 1910 with Michael McDermott

Greenall Whitley's tenancy agreement with Michael McDermott from 1910
Ship Inn - William Houghton licensee in 1800. Closed by 1820 -
Smithy Manor - Jubits Lane, Sutton Manor - Opened in 1959 as the Sutton Manor Institute or Welfare Club financed by a Lancashire miners' welfare grant. In the late 1980s it was sold to a consortium that included ex-Liverpool FC player Tommy Smith and reopened as the Smithy Manor under the Burtonwood Beers umbrella. The former footballer featured on the pub's sign and Gerry and the Pacemakers played on the opening night. -

The Smithy Manor pub in Jubits Lane photographed in 1990 - contributed by Clive Hanley

The Smithy Manor pub in Jubits Lane photographed in 1990

The Smithy Manor pub in 1990

Stanley Arms / Inn - Bottom of Peasley Cross Lane facing Warrington Old Road - Listed in Worrall's Directory of 1871 - Jacob Grayson was publican in 1881 - Thomas Knowles was landlord in 1883 and was summoned on November 12th for selling alcohol during prohibited hours but the case was dismissed - Edward Holland took over the pub in September 1884 after it had been placed on the licensing 'blacklist' for breaking the law - On November 26th, 1890 coal dealer and carter George Eccleston sued landlord William Duxbury for £50 damages as a result of Duxbury's fox terrier biting him on his thigh while he was delivering coal to the pub - A new pub was built in 1894 - On July 10th 1896, the licensee John Webster was fined 10 shillings for being drunk on his own premises. On June 19th he had been discovered by PC Adams stripped to the waist in his yard, preparing to fight his son-in-law. His solicitor said Webster wasn't drunk but was "suffering from excitement". - On August 10th his licence was transferred to John Cunliffe - In May 1900 licence transferred from Cunliffe to William Chadwick - In December 1905 the licence was transferred from John Almond to Joseph Hull - Closed March 7th 1932 -
Swan Inn - 88 Baxters Lane - Thomas John Sharrott was beerhouse keeper in 1881. On April 11th of that year he was summoned to the St.Helens Petty Sessions for selling beer to a man during prohibited hours. The case was dismissed after his defence solicitor stated that the beer was a gift. However a year later Sharrott was fined 5s. for permitting drunkenness on his premises. - Blacksmith Thomas Leyland was granted licence of the beerhouse in 1890 from Edward Burrows and he was also the publican in 1901 - Closed 1910 -
Sutton Arms - Corner of Sherdley Road and Elephant Lane - Councillor Tom Wilcock, the Mayor of St Helens, officially opened the Sutton Arms on June 3rd 1969. The pub had been built on land sold to Greenall Whitley by Alf Sutton in 1967. The Elton Head Road haulage contractor had insisted that the new £40,000 pub be called the Sutton Arms as part of the deal. – An unusual feature was a mural behind the lounge bar of a 1840s Ordnance Survey map of St Helens and there was also a collection of sporting scenes painted by Reporter cartoonist Cliff Gerrard. – Bob and Edna Johnson were the first managers of the pub that seated 300 and catered for over 2,000 people on three nearby housing estates. – Instead of the usual beer cellar, the Sutton Arms had six 36-gallon tanks at floor level, which did away with old-fashioned beer barrels. – On December 5th 1969 twenty-six pensioners enjoyed a Christmas treat at the Sutton Arms. As well as eating a festive meal, the OAPs were given £5 each and enjoyed a concert party called 'The Nookers'. A football match was one of the many functions that the staff and customers had organised to raise funds for the treat. - Robert Johnson was landlord in the 1970s. Another licensee was Roy Willis, who had been a draughtsman employed by Greenall Whitley. - The Sutton Arms closed in 2011 and suffered severe fire damage by suspected arsonists on April 13th and May 20th 2012. It was demolished shortly after the second arson attack.

Sutton Oak - See entry for Boundary Vaults in Part 1
Tanners Arms - 106 Peasley Cross Lane - In 1871 it was managed by Joseph Woodward who died about 1873 (thanks to Brian Woodward for the details) - In 1871 census Joseph Woodward was licensed victualler -
Three Tuns - Jane Finney was licensee in 1800
Tipping Arms - See entry for the Griffin Inn
Tropical Fun Club - Gerards Lane - The club opened on September 2nd 1985 as a restaurant, fun pub and disco owned by Mike Hollington and Reza Azimy, who invested £250,000 in their new venture. The funding came in part from Mr. Azimy selling his pizza restaurant in Warrington. It was situated in Waterdale House, formerly the home of William Blinkhorn, Arthur Sinclair and Sutton Convent. In more recent times, Cloisters Country Club had occupied the premises. Although the building had been transformed, a notable historic statue in the grounds was retained. Downstairs there was a 100-seater restaurant, decorated in white and open from 7pm to midnight. Members and guests could dance in the disco, which for the first few weeks was DJ’d by John Barry from Manchester. The fun pub featured entertainment, which included comedians, snake-acts, fire-eaters, steel bands etc. The total capacity of the building was 400 people and at its opening, co-owner Mike Hollington told the St.Helens Star that he believed that his new establishment was the only fun club in Britain of its type.

Left: The historic statue in the grounds of the Tropical Fun Club; Right: Bar inside the club in 1985

Left: The historic statue; Right: Bar inside the club in 1985

Bar in the Tropical Fun Club
Volunteer Inn, Sutton - Listed as such in a Liverpool Mercury report from December 20th 1871 when the licence was transferred from Joshua Platt to George Sephton -

Outside the Vulcan Inn at 243 Robins Lane on the corner of Peckers Hill Road in Sutton

Outside the Vulcan in Robins Lane on the corner of Peckers Hill Road

Outside the Vulcan Inn in Sutton

The Vulcan Inn at 243 Robins Lane in Sutton, St.Helens pictured in 2006

The Vulcan Inn at 243 Robins Lane in Sutton, St.Helens in 2006

The Vulcan Inn in 2006

Night shot of the Vulcan's new sign as mentioned in Flypast heritage aviation magazine of February 2013

Night shot of the Vulcan's new sign photographed in February 2013

Night shot of the Vulcan's new sign

Two photographs of the old Wheatsheaf Hotel at 2 Lionel Street by the Junction Station taken in April 2013

Two photographs of the old Wheatsheaf Hotel by the Junction Station

Photographs of the old Wheatsheaf
‘A cat which came back from the grave is the pet of the bar of the Wheatsheaf Hotel, Sutton, near St. Helens. Last week-end “Nobby”, a two-years-old mouser, suddenly fell ill. Poison was suspected. Growing steadily worse, “Nobby” passed away. His cold and rigid body was interred in the soft soil near the bowling green. Later in the day, his “ghost” walked into the bedroom window, and descended to the bar. To general amazement, “Nobby” was back right enough, and though a trifle groggy, not much the worse for his death and burial.’ - During the 1940s pianist Len Owen of 263 Mill Lane entertained the crowds. - John Leather was listed as licensee in 1950 - The pub has a renowned sloping floor and is very prone to flooding. The slope was caused by subsidence after the introduction of long wall mining at Bold Colliery (or possibly Clock Face Colliery) during the 1960s. This tilted the building from front to back. - Fred and Evelyn Worrall ran the pub in the late 1960s. The couple advertised bed and breakfast in the St Helens Reporter, adding that chicken in the basket was their lunch speciality. On March 13th 1970 Fred was featured in the Reporter after introducing a ban on gipsies from an encampment in Reginald Road. This was because of two incidents outside his premises. In one the police had to be called because of two gipsies fighting. Mr Worrall said he was losing trade because of the presence of gipsies in his pub, even though most had never caused any trouble.
Phil and Jane Banks were landlord and landlady from 1994 to Phil’s death in September 2016 and once displayed the F.A. Cup in the pub. - Named St.Helens & District Camra Heritage pub 2012 and considered an historic pub interior of national importance (see webpage) - On August 28th 2015 it was announced that the Wheatsheaf had been awarded grade 2 listing status by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport following an effort to recognise some of England’s best pubs that had been built during the interwar years. View listing status here. - Writing in the St.Helens Heritage Newsletter of October 2015, Wally Ashcroft commented how the Wheatsheaf had originally been one of only two pubs in St.Helens that had its cellar on the first floor. This was accessible from the outside by a lift, situated behind ornate, wrought iron gates at the front of the building. However this distinctive feature was removed from the Wheatsheaf some years ago.

The Wheatsheaf photographed probably in the 1940s - the tree on the right is no longer there - contributed by Barbara Naylor

The Wheatsheaf probably in the 1940s - the tree is no longer there

The Wheatsheaf probably in the 1940s

The Wheatsheaf on the corner of Mill Lane and Leach Lane pictured during the World Cup in June 2006

The Wheatsheaf pictured during the World Cup in June 2006

Wheatsheaf during 2006 World Cup

White House - Sutton Road opposite Helsby Street -

The White House public house in Sutton Road opposite Helsby Street pictured in 1998

The White House in Sutton Road opposite Helsby Street in 1998

The White House in 1998
Wind Mill - William Liptrot was mine host in 1820. He was recorded as landlord as the Mill House in 1841. Could they have been the same pub? -

Off-Licences in Sutton
a) 253 New Street - In September 1896 Edward Needham was granted an off-licence which in May 1900 was transferred to W. Stockley - see brewery listings below. b) 10 Grimshaw Street - In May 1900 licence transferred from Francis Helsby to Thomas Sephton. c) 337 Mill Lane (near Bull and Dog & opposite Marshalls Cross school) - William Bath then daughter Lucy Bath were licensees. The beer pumps were in the cellar and customers brought jugs to be filled. d) Peasley Cross Lane - This was held by Jane Twist but was removed in 1891 as she had not made use of the licence for some years - Licence transferred from William Twist in October 1884. e) 111 Robins Lane - Grocers - John Rigby appeared in court in December 1891 for selling beer from a horse and cart without a licence. Police Sergeant Brooks had sent a lad with a jug to buy two quarts of beer from Rigby, the boy telling the 23-years-old that the beer was for a James Woods of Junction Lane. Rigby claimed that he was delivering beer that had been ordered at his father's house, which held an off-licence, and the boy had misled him. The magistrates fined young Rigby 10 shillings and recommended that his father Joseph "conduct his business in a more careful and systematic manner." - In December 1892 the off-licence was transferred from Joseph Rigby to Thomas Frodsham. f) 95 Robins Lane - Grocers - In July 1892 the off-licence was transferred from Edward Rigby to Thomas Frodsham and in December 1892 from Frodsham to Elijah Mahoney. g) 51 Ditch Hillock (Waterdale Crescent) - In 1893 an off-licence was transferred from James Smith to James Arthur Smith then to John or James Cook in 1897 after Smith had been made bankrupt. James Naylor ran the grocers / off-licence in 1911. Five years later his son Harold was killed on the old Sutton Glassworks site when a crane fell on him. h) Phoenix Brewery - 78 Peckers Hill Road - See listing above i) Four Acre House, Jubits Lane - For 10 years from about 1881, proprietor Edward Greenough allowed beer to be consumed daily outside his provisions shop and had furnished chairs and jugs. He believed he had found a loophole in his off-license as his customers were drinking on public land. However on September 11th, 1891, Greenough was prosecuted after it was proven to be private land. A deal was done and Chief Constable Wood withdrew the summons after Greenough agreed not to allow consumption outside his premises. On May 27th, 1895 he was fined £5 for opening his shop during prohibited hours. A charge of selling beer for consumption on his off-licensed premises was withdrawn. His neighbours John Leather, Joseph S. Almond, Peter Barrett, Richard Lacey and Mary Woodward were fined 10s. each for being on licensed premises out of hours. On September 24th 1895, Greenough's licence was not renewed after Chief Constable Wood objected, stating that his character was unsatisfactorily. He told the licensing committee that Greenough's house was in an isolated position and the police were unable to supervise it properly. Several witnesses had given evidence supporting Greenough's character and had told the hearing that he sang in Sutton Parish Church's choir. However the magistrates, who included Sutton's Arthur Sinclair of Waterdale, were unimpressed. j) 43 Appleton Street, Peasley Cross - k) 63 Appleton Street, Peasley Cross - In September 1904 the grocer’s off-license was transferred from Peter Almond to his son George Almond, as Peter had become publican at the Golden Cross.Breweries in Sutton
a) Phoenix Brewery - 78 Peckers Hill Road - See listing above b) Brook Brewery - Brook House, Sutton near Lea Green Station - Owned by John Dixon Parry. In September 1853 he sued an agent called Blenkinstone for £16 4s 1d who sold Parry's beer but hadn't passed on all of the proceeds. In 1855 Parry was made bankrupt. Brook Brewery was advertised to rent for £25pa in 1856 with a good supply of water and necessary outbuildings. c) Burtonwood Brewery - The brewery was created after James and Jane Forshaw purchased land near Collins Green in 1867. James died in 1880 and his widow ran the business with nephew Richard Forshaw, who became sole owner after Jane married the Rev. William Wilson. Richard as managing director expanded the business with his eldest son Tom and in August 1896 was granted an off-license to sell beer and porter. Forshaw gave a guarantee that he would not sell single bottles "to any or every one" who called at his brewery. On January 16th 1918 the brewery was fined the huge sum of £200 at Warrington County Sessions for brewing 155 barrels of beer in excess of the maximum permitted under the Intoxicating Liquor Output Order. Richard's younger son Richard Dutton Forshaw founded the Burtonwood Engineering company in 1922. Richard Snr., who was on Warrington Rural District Council, died in 1930 and at his request his grave at Burtonwood was filled with Blackpool sand. (Thanks to Margaret & Graham Walker for some of this information) d) Leathers / John Cross & Co / Sutton Brewery - Situated at Leather Hill in Sutton near Rainhill at the end of Mill Lane (which became Elton Head Road), not far from where the Black Horse is now. Listed as Leathers in the 1841 census and as Sutton Brewery on the 1849 Ordnance Survey map. Thomas Birchall and his son John ran the brewery, with the latter also a half-partner in the Mill House during the 1840s / ‘50s and by 1871 a farmer of 68 Acres, employing 9 men. Leathers appears to have closed around this time. e) Star Brewery - 253 New Street - elderly couple William and Sarah Winterbottom ran it from home - Sarah's occupation is described in the 1891 census as "assists Husband Brew" - see off licences listings. f) Thatto Heath Brewery - Owned by John Fidler. It suffered £500 worth of damage through a serious fire on May 21st 1859 and may not have reopened.