An Illustrated History of Old Sutton in St Helens, Lancashire
Part 95 (of 95 parts) - Research Sources, References & Bibliography
Researched and Written by Stephen Wainwright ©MMXIX Contact Me
An Illustrated History of Old Sutton in St Helens
Part 95 (of 95) - This Website’s Research Sources
Researched & Written by Stephen Wainwright ©MMXX
An Illustrated History of
Old Sutton in St Helens
Old Sutton in St Helens
Research Sources
Researched and Written by Stephen Wainwright ©MMXX
Most of the research for this website has come from the owner studying thousands of newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries. However some other publications have been used as sources including:
- F.W. Free, Our Heritage in Sutton & Bold (Free / Rhodes, 1979)
- T.C. Barker & J.R. Harris, Merseyside Town in the Industrial Revolution, St.Helens 1750-1900 (Frank Cass, 1993)
- Frank Bamber, Clog Clatters in Old Sutton (self-pub Sutton Historic Society, 1995)
- Frank Bamber, Round About The Pits (self-pub Sutton Historic Society, 2000)
- Bob Pixton, Widnes and St.Helens Railways (The Chalford Publishing Company, 1996)
- Geoff Simm & Ian Winstanley, Mining Memories (St.Helens Metropolitan Borough Council, 1990)
- E.K. Stretch, St.Helens Tramways (St.Helens Corporation, 1968)
- T.B. Maund & M.J. Ashton, Local Transport in St.Helens: 1879-1974 (Venture, 1995)
- Gordon Suggitt, Lost Railways of Merseyside & Greater Manchester (Countryside Books, 2004)
- Bickford, Smith & Co., Bickford, Smith & Co. Limited 1831-1931 (Trevithick Society, 2006, 1931 reprint)
- Charles Forman, Industrial Town - Self Portrait of St Helens in the 1920s (Cameron & Tayleur, 1978)
- Sister Dominic Savio, St.Annes Sutton 1850 - 2000 (Passionist self-pub, 2000)
- Mary Presland, St.Helens - A Pictorial History (Phillimore, 1995)
- Janice Murray, Windows on the Past (St.Helens Metropolitan Borough Council, 1985)
- Margaret Chadwick, Sutton, Sherdley Hall & The Hughes Family (University of Liverpool, 1992)
- J.F. Giblin, The Churches of St.Helens - A Brief Historical & Architectural Note (self-pub. 1996)
- Sutton Manor Magazine Nos. 5 & 9 (British Coal, February / December 1990)
- Alan Rowlands - Trautmann The Biography (Breedon Books, 1990)
- Sutton Manor Its Colliery and Community (Sutton Manor Primary School, 2007)
- Geoff Sandford, St.Helens Trolleybuses (Regent Transport Publications, 2004)
- Ron Welding, Sam Welding - Sutton Harrier Parr Excellence (self-pub. 2002)
- Edwin Butterworth, A Statistical Sketch of the County Palatine of Lancaster (1841)
- Henry Booth, Account of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (Frank Cass - reprint of 1830 edition, 1969)
- Ian Winstanley, Colliery Scrap Book 1 - Accidents and Incidents in St.Helens Collieries (2001)
- A.W. Skempton & M. Chrimes, Biographical Dictionary of Civil Engineers in GB & Ireland (T. Telford, 2002)
- Pauline Hurst, A History of St.Helens Hospital Lancashire, (self-pub. 2011)
- Elva Simpson, Miners and Saints in Sutton - History of Zion Independent Methodist Chapel (self-pub, undated)
- William Hardy, God's Dealings with William Hardy of St.Helens (Graham and Heslip, 1946)
- Bryan Wilson & Ernie Rimmer, Sutton Oak – Serving St.Helens, article British Railways Illustrated Vol. 12 (2002)
- Baines, Gazeteer and Directory of Lancashire (1825)
- Brickfields Forest Design Plan (Forestry Commission, 2006)
- Neville Woodward, Memoirs of a Peripatetic Technologist pp. 9 - 27 (Gullane, 1985)
- Frank Grayson, H.M. Explosives Factory, Abbotsfield Road, Sutton Oak, 1915 - 53 (self-pub, 2000)
- Stephen Snelling, VCs of the First World War - Passchendaele (Sutton Publishing, 1998)
- The Mining Engineer June 1986 - articles by W. L. Pugh and J. McAllister (The Institution of Mining Engineers, 1986)
- Imperial Gazetteer of England and Wales (1872) and Slaters Directory of St.Helens (1895)
- John Spear, Report on Continued Prevalence of Fever in Borough of St.Helens (Local Government Board, 1885)
- Dorothy Hughes, Costeth House Estate - Lancashire Local Historian Vol.16 [pp.25-40] (Lancashire Local History Fed. 2003)
- H.C. Caistor (Ed), 1868-1968, Centenary Granting of Charter of Incorporation to St.Helens (St.Helens B.C., 1968)
- C.H.A. Townley & J.A. Peden, Industrial Railways of St.Helens, Widnes & Warrington (Ind. Railway Soc., 1999 / 2002)
- St.Helens Local History & Archives Library - Local newspapers (print and microfilm) and electoral registers
- Derby Mercury*, The Era*, Leeds Mercury*, Liverpool Daily Post, Liverpool Mercury*, Northern Times, Preston Guardian*, Prescot Reporter**, St.Helens Intelligencer**, St.Helens Lantern**, St.Helens Leader**, St.Helens Newspaper & Advertiser**, St.Helens Reporter (South Lancashire Newspapers / Johnston Press)**, St.Helens Star***, St.Helens Weekly News**. (*copyright British Library; **courtesy St.Helens Local History & Archives Library; ***copyright Newsquest)
- Sutton Historic Society - Sutton Ramblings (various editions) and electronic 'A to Z of Sutton' plus photographic archives of Chris Coffey and Frank Bamber publications identified above
- Boxing historian Miles Templeton - Research commissioned by this website on the fights of Sutton boxers Mick Gordon and Wilf Douglas (2009) and boxer Ernie Proudlove (2010)
- Frank Jones, Rev. Vallancey research (1999) with Frank's kind permission
- Albert Greenall's Robins Lane Secondary School / Sutton High School archive
- Frazer Nairn's Sutton Manor Colliery photo collection; Mel Moran's Sutton Manor Colliery photo collection; Clive Hanley's Sutton Manor Colliery photo collection; Graham Isherwood collection.
- Special thanks to former NCB engineer Harry Hickson for technical advice and input on mining practices etc.
Significant contributions to this website (such as supplying photographs) have been gratefully received from Dave Almond, Terry Almond, Alfie & Eleanor Atkins, Colin Atkinson, Jeff Bailey, Ken Bailey Jnr., Ken Bailey Snr., Sheila Bailey, Ken Baines, Janet Ball, Pauline Ball, Colin Barber, Julia Barker, Di Barton, John Barton, Merrick Baker-Bates, Bill Bate, Ernie Bate, Ian Bate, Stan Bate, Pat Beesley, Bryan Bickerstaff, Julie Bligh, John Bond, Margaret Braithwaite, Mike Bray (Mersey Forest), Bob Brook, John A. Brooks, Joan Brough, Robert Brown, Terry Callaghan, Ian H. Campbell, Peter Carmichael, Gill Chesney-Green, Geoff Chisnall, Sheenagh Collins, Gary Conley, Joan Coombes, Cory Environmental Ltd., Margaret Crosbie, Alan Davies, Colin Davies, Ken Davies, Susan Davies, George Devine, Rob Dillon, John Dolan, Les Dunning, Myles I. Earle, Herbert Eden, Clare Edwards, Valerie Evans, Kathleen Fehrman, Marlene Forde, Martin Gauckwin, David Normington Gerrard, John Gill, Les Grace, Rev'd David Green, John Grice, Tom Griffin, Marjorie Hall, Keith Halton, Billy Hancock, David Hancock, Roger Harris, Dawn Harvey, Peter Harvey, Lisa Heaney, Diane Heaton, Ted Heward, Joan Heyes, Mary Heyes, Martin Heys, John Highcock, George Hill, Graham Hill, George Houghton, Richard Houghton, Gareth Hughes, Rory Hughes-Young (Lord St.Helens), John Hunter, Beryl Huyton, Allan Isaacs, John James, Peter Jenner, Stan Johnson, Ian Jones, Frank Jones, Paul Jones, Peter Jones, Susan Jones, Karen Kass, Marjorie Kendrick, John Kenwright, Norris Kenwright, Enid Kenyon, James Lamb, Dave Latham, Brian Legg, Ron Leyland, Barbara Leigh, Ray Liptrot, Keith Longworth, David Love, William Lyon, Jim Lythgoe, Alan McDermott, Brenda Macdonald, Duncan Macnaughton (Forestry Commission), Andy McEwan, Eric Makin, Sue Mason, Andy Mayer, Anne McCormack, Alan Mercer, Elizabeth Mercer, Carol Meredith, Jane Mines, Mike Molloy, Geoffrey Moore, Ken Morgan, Phil Morris, Lis Nicholson, Phil Norris, Steven Oakden, Paul O'Connor, Gareth Owen, Arthur Padmore, Ron Padmore, Frank Parry, Lynne Phelan, Alan Pickavance, Olive Parkinson, Ann Pigott, Dr. Wilf Powell, James Prescott, Alan Pugh, Jane Ralph, Harry C. Redner, Mike Rennie, Brian Renshall, Rhydymwyn Valley History Society, Jean Richards, Stephen Richardson, Martin Rigby, Barry Riley, Mark Riley, John Robertson, Jennifer Robinson, Michael Robinson, Andrea Ruddick, Stephen Schwarz, Neil Selfridge, Barbara Shelton, John Sinnott, Edna Smith, Jane Smith, Patrick Smith, Simon Speight, Brian Spencer, Eileen Spencer, Les Standish, Colin Steele, Esther Streete, Fr. Phil Swanson, Adele Stanton, Ivy Swift, Sue Swift, David Tait, Cynthia Taylor, Lionel Taylor, Bill Thomas, Paul Thomas, Dr. Philip Thomas, Barry & Shirley Thomas, Alan Tucker, Margaret Ward, Janet Watson, John Webb, Ken Whittaker, Darren Williams, Frank Williams, Tom Williams, Dr. Janice Wilson, Fredie Winstanley, Dave Woods, David Yeates.
Copyright Notice / Factual Accuracy Statement

This website has been written and researched and many images photographed by myself, Stephen Wainwright, the Sutton Beauty & Heritage site owner. Individuals from all over the world have also kindly contributed their own photographs. If you wish to reuse any image, please contact me first as permission may be needed from the copyright owner. High resolution versions of many pictures can also be supplied at no charge. Please also contact me if you can provide any further information or photographs concerning Sutton, St.Helens. You might also consider contributing your recollections of Sutton for the series of Memories pages. Sutton Beauty & Heritage strives for factual accuracy at all times. Do also get in touch if you believe that there are any errors. I respond quickly to emails and if you haven't had a response within twelve hours, check your junk mail folder or resend your message. Thank you! SRW
This website is written and researched by Stephen R. Wainwright ©MMXX Contact Me